Top Eleven Hack Tool
If you don’t know what Top Eleven ( Top Eleven Hack) is, it is an online football manager simulator that has been developed and released by Nordeus, a social network game. Launched in May 2010 it is now one of the most popular games on Facebook. You can start playing Top Eleven for free but for Tokens and Cash, you’ll need to pay real money. And at this point the Top Eleven Hack comes ingame. The Top Eleven Hack was coded so people that do not have a that big pocket can effort those tokens too. So basically it is a top eleven token hack and top eleven cash hack
As mentioned above the Top Eleven Hack has been developed for people that do not want to pay for the tokens or cash. The principle of this tool is actually pretty simple: Top Eleven Tokens and Cash amount of each account are stored in a database. This database is called the “SQL Database”. All information are saved in there and every type in its own column. One of our developers managed to establish a stealth TCP connection to it and manipulate the data in there. Here is an example of the Top Eleven Hack : Let’s say that your username is “CHEATER” and you have 0 Top Eleven Tokens. The Top Eleven Hack establishes a stealth connection to the database and searches for “CHEATER”. If it finds the username, it will look for the column “Top Eleven Tokens” and check it. After that it will add your desired amount to the database and baam, you have your Top Eleven Tokens. The top eleven hack is easy, isn’t it? Top Eleven Hack was in Beta phase 2 weeks ago and now we managed to fix all the Top Eleven Hack Bugs. The Top Eleven Token Hack does now work on all Operating systems excluding Mac and Linux. So what are you waiting for? Check the top eleven hack now out!